I like a lot of things. Mainly books, BBC dramas and fruit teas with lots of sugar. I like talking to people I disagree with and learning about the human condition. I look up to people like Malcolm X and Nina Simone and admire the work of David Uzochukwu and Aleah Michele. I'm not myself without my winged eyeliner and blinding highlighter, and you'll never see with without some sort of ink on my hands. This little space is where all the zany things in my head can find a home.


Right now, I'm a 21-year-old Junior copywriter living in Auckland, New Zealand. I'm good at starting again. Growing up, I moved around a lot. I'd lived in four different countries before the age of 15. Over the years, I've learned to trust my own instincts, that everything ends and life continues. When you've been through some of the things I have, you learn a lot about people, acceptance, tolerance strength.