Illustrator Spotlight - Manjit Thapp

This is part of a series I like to call Women of Colour Killing it, where every week I'll be talking about women of colour who are doing great things in creative industries.

While my illustration skills are limited to sketchy line art self-portraits, Manjit Thapp manages to combine traditional media and digital art to create striking narrative influenced illustrations that are bold, playful and moody. Thapp combines texture and colour beautifully and has a beautiful unique style. She's a 23-year-old illustrator based in the U.K. and has worked for all sorts clients like Google, British Vogue and Dazed. I've been a fan of her art for a while, ever since I saw it floating around Tumblr when I was still an angsty teenager (Now I'm just an angsty 20 something). She creates anything from book covers to comics and stickers. 

You can purchase some of her prints here and view her full portfolio on her website.

Red Sun

Solange, A Seat At The Table

Stranger Things